Saturday, December 01, 2007

Work Related...

The last few books I have picked up are definitely related to my new career as a teacher. Both books, Reluctant Disciplinarian: Advice on Classroom Management From a Softy who Became (Eventually) a Successful Teacher by Gary Rubenstein and Teaching with Love and Logic by Jim Fay and David Funk are in response to my continuing struggle with some of my classes that I teach.

Reluctant Disciplinarian provided some good insight but not as much practical solutions as I had hoped. More than anything it has helped me see how some classes are responding to my teaching style which is most likely drastically different than their classroom teacher and heightened by my inexperience as a first year teacher. If nothing else it gave me lots to think about and made me feel 100% normal.

Teaching with Love and Logic is filled with philosophy, student management ideas and much more. It is not everything I am looking for but I understand and am trying some of the "experiments" to see how students respond. This has been alot of serious (and much needed) professional development reading and the next book is sure to be for fun!

Speaking of which, before embarking on school related reading, I did finish up On the Road by Jack Kerouac. It was a fabulous story and I am glad I finally took the time to read it. I will say that I had high expectations for this beat classic and although I didn't think I had preconceived notions about what the book was about, it was not exactly what I thought it would be like.

I found Sal to be an adventurer seeking the freedom of the open road...the various people he meets and travels with tended to disturb me a bit. The story was definitely set in a specific time period, but the antics could just as well have been written today.

On another note I have once again decided to end my membership. It is taking me too long to read books to make it a value, especially since I have a wonderful public library at the end of my street that I pass whenever I walk to & from the train. I can even search the library catalog online. I think is a wonderful chance to get books, but I am pinching pennies and if I have a free method of getting books (at booksfree you are basically paying postage) I need to take advantage.

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