Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Even More Re-Reading!

Yeah...perhaps it is me being budget conscious or just a strong desire to re-visit some past stories, but I am at it again. I finished up the 2 Tuscany books by Frances Mayes I adore (I really need to go to Tuscany someday), and now I am diving back in to the Harry Potter series.

There was a brief interlude while I read one of my husband's fantasy books, Legend by David Gemmel. It was an easy read, but not so memorable. Set in a Conan type world there was a fair number of heroes, under-dogs and mystical monks. You know...that sort of book.

But on to another go at Hogwarts...it is pretty amusing to re-read and see Harry Potter as the plucky young misfit again. It will also be a treat to read all of the books back to back and not have to wait for the next one to be released!