Monday, January 29, 2007

Wrapping Up 2006..a little late!

The end of the year was a little nutty...finishing classes, the home stretch of student teaching, the holidays. Blah blah blah! I did manage to finish two books in to the end of the year. The first took me quite a while since reading seemed to be difficult with eyes that would not stay open at the end of the day!

First on the list is Word Freak by Stefan Fatsis. This book let me geek out just a bit...or a lot depending on how you look at it. It is a humorous and informative look at tournament Scrabble and the authors growing interest (perhaps obsession) with the game.

I must admit that reading the book made we want to play Scrabble (I can't say that I have played a proper game) thus prompting the hubby to get my both the deluxe game board and player's dictionary for my birthday. This could be dangerous.

Blackberry Wine by Joanne Harris is a book from my shelf that I thought I had not yet read but actually realized I had after a few pages. It is a wonderful book by the author of Chocolat. Both books are charming and day-dreamy in that dramatic fiction sort of way. It was nice to re-read the book especially since I did not have anything new to read. (Ack!) I was transfixed by rural French countryside where the main character impulse buys a farmhouse for much the same reason I love Frances Mayes non-fictional descriptions of life in Tuscany.

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